FINAL CONFERENCE on the 6th of March in Brussels

Final Conference of COST Action “Multi-disciplinary Innovation for Social Change” The Cost Action and the Estonian Research Council cordially invite you to the final conference of the Action which will take place on the 6th of March, at 09:30-17:00 at the Permanent...

Training School in Novi Sad, July 2023 PHOTOS OF THE EVENT On 3-5 of July 2023, the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education from Serbia, hosted the second COST Action 18236 Training School. The aim of this event was to find answers on how...

MC meeting on 28-29 September 2023 in Bucharest, Romania

The MC meeting of 2023 will be in Bucharest, Romania on 28-29 September.The focus of the meetings of the working groups during the 1st day will be on joint writing of policy briefs. Therefore preparatory work is needed from the participants. You are expected to recall...

WG meetings in 2023

The next COST SHIINE WG meetings will be: 9-10 March WG 4 Valencia (Spain) 16-17 March WG 3 in Warsaw (Poland) organised by Kozminski University 26-27 May WG 2 in Reykjavik (Iceland) 29-30 May WG 1 in Jerusalem (Israel) organised by Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design...

NEW! WG 3 initative

You are being invited to participate in a research study titled Multidisciplinary Innovation for Social Change that runs between 1/9/2019 until 31/9/2023. In this project, we study Public Sector Innovation (PSI) Initiatives in 37 countries in and...

NEW! WG 2 initiative

 WG 2 is collecting case studies of ‘higher education programmes/ initiatives supported by social finance” that are multidisciplinary and innovative. WG 2 has planned a programme of collaboration culminating in a WG2 meeting in Reykjavik and the production of...

NEW! WG 1 Initiative

You are invited to join a WG1 initiative. We are collecting accounts of ‘making social change happen’ that are multidisciplinary and innovative. We have also planned a programme of collaboration culminating in a WG meeting in Jerusalem and the production of a...

MC and WG meetings in Istanbul, Turkey 21-22.09.2022

Location: Istanbul Bilgi UniversitySantralistanbul CampusEmniyettepe Mahallesi Kazim Karabekir Caddesi No.2/13 Eyupsultan, Istanbul, 34060 Turkey About the organizer: Istanbul Bilgi University is a private university and a non-profit institution in Turkey, established...

WG 1 meeting in Newcastle, UK on June 20-21, 2022

The WG 1 conference "Design: Shaping Social Innovation" in Newcastle. This event aimed to decelop a multidisctiplinary appraisal of design in social innovation contexts. The programme included: academic and practitioner keynote talks and discussions; experiences of...

Training School 1 in Limerick, Ireland, May 10-16, 2022

Location: TUS, Moylish Park, Limerick City, IrelandCommences: 09:30 10 May 2022Finishes: 16:00 12 May 2022 Training School Overview COST Action 18236: SHIINE - Multi-Disciplinary Innovation for Social Change is hosting its first Training School at the Technological...

WEBINAR: Social innovation in higher education institutions

Time: May 24, 2022 09:00 -11:00 AM CET Please join us virtually: We take the publication „Social Innovation in Higher Education – Landscape, Practices, and Future Opportunities” edited by Paunescu, Lepik and Spencer as an opportunity...

Training School on May 10-12, 2022

Training School on Multi-Disciplinary Innovation for Social Change in Limerick, Ireland on MAY 10-12, 2022. Applications by PhD students and young researchers (up to 40 years of age) can be submitted by the 15th of April. Successful applicants will receive a grant...

CA18236 WG meeting Agenda in Tallinn, March 10-11

Teaching Social Entrepreneurship in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) March 10-11, 2022Põhjala Factory, Marati 5, 11713 Tallinn, Estonia YOU ARE WELCOME TO JOIN THE EVENT ON ZOOM! Day...

Working Group Meeting, Alnwick, Northumberland, United Kingdom

Working Group Meeting on 6th September attended by 57 practitioners, academics, policy makers and young people. Speakers discussed social innovation, research and evaluation and  improving outcomes young people in the justice system.VIDEO

Dissemination event on September 16-17, 2021

On September 16-17, the International Humanitarian University (IHU) hosted the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Prospects for Effective Management Decisions in Business and Projects” in Odessa. It was attended by more than 100 scientists and...

Session at ISIRC conference, September 9th, 2021

Session at the ISIRC conference on September 10, 2021“Public Sector Innovation.  Perspectives, best practices and future outlook”  Peter Meister-Broekema, Hanze University of Applied Sciences and University of GroningenKatri-Liis Lepik, Tallinn University, EstoniaAnne...

Design and Mobility Workshop in Tel Aviv, August 28, 2021 (WG 1)

Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design Jerusalem Design & Management track / The Industrial Design Master's program/ Bezalel academy of Arts and Design supported by COST, WeWork, Volkswagen KonnektTransportation is probably among the major means for creating an...

COST networking session for all WGs in Burgas, Bulgaria on June 3-4

We invite you to COST networking sessions which will take place physically and virtually.The physical event will happen in Burgas.Location: Conference Room 2, Burgas Free University, 62, San Stefano Bul., Burgas 8001 3rd of June10.00 - 13.00 Social programme - visit...

New session in Design matters seminar series!

JOIN HERE!Friday July 16th (09.00-10.30 BST & 10.00-11.30 CEST) Josh Hornby, Senior User Researcher, NHS Business Services Authority, presents examples of his work to innovate within the UK’s National Health Service. 

Management Committee meeting 28th of April 2021at 9.30 CET

Action Multi-disciplinary Innovation for Social Change 3rd Management Committee MeetingOnline (ZOOM platform)28 April 2021 – 9.30-11.00 CETAgenda:1. Welcome to participants2. Adoption of agenda (selection of meeting secretary)3. Approval of minutes of the last...

SHIINE network event at ISIRC 2020, 03.09.

SHIINE Project network event “Social Innovation and higher education institutions' policy labs” Thursday 3rd September, 10.00 – 12.00 BST The aim of this session was to encourage a fruitful discussion among our network members and...

Design matters seminar series

Series of Design Matters seminars led by Dr. Nicholas Spencer, Northumbria University: Design matters (01) Design matters (02) Design matters (03) Design matters (04) Design matters (05) Design matters (06)

Online Webinar “Multi-disciplinary innovation in a pandemic”

DATES: 5th June 2pm - 4pm CET VENUE: Online Webinar We are pleased to invite you to participate to the Multi Disciplinary Innovation for Social Change ONLINE WEBINAR "Multi-Disciplinary Innovation in a Pandemic", which will be held in association with Burgas Free...

ISIRC Conference 2020 and Management Committee Meeting in Sheffield

DATES: ISIRC  Conference – September 1-3, 2020Cost Management Committee Meeting – September 4, 2020 VENUE: Crowne Plaza Royal Victoria Sheffield, Victoria Station Road, Sheffield, S4 7YE, United Kingdom  The International Social Innovation Research...


DATES: June 15-16, 2020 VENUE: Artevelde University of Applied Sciences Campus Sint-Annaplein Sint-Annaplein 31, 9000 Ghent WG1 is organizing a meeting in Ghent on June 15th-16th at Artevelde University of Applied Sciences. WG1 members will come to continue their work...