(1) Patterns and Shapes of Social Change in Europe

This book contains all of the social change accounts that were collectively produced. https://doi.org/10.25398/rd.northumbria.24424522.v1

Our collective work to produce and present this set of social change accounts helps to raise awareness about and understand a variety of multidisciplinary innovation for social change across Europe and therefore contributes to the Action’s objective: Co-created awareness raising and learning tools in the Pan-European Public Sector Innovation (ePSI).

(2) Creatively Re-Shaping Social Situations

This book presents the work that was conducted together. It uses our collection of Social Change Accounts to present six key themes critical for creatively re-shaping social situations. The book can be downloaded here:


By highlighting the online and in-person activities we engaged with this output contributes to the Action’s objective: An international review identifying appropriate design-led tools to support the Action initiatives.

Highlighting key thematics related to design-led approaches for social change (social innovation and social entrepreneurship), this book contributes to the Action’s objective: Co-created awareness raising and learning tools in the Pan-European Public Sector Innovation (ePSI).